Chronic prostatitis

Chronic inflammation of suffering from prostate cancer is approximately 30% male, age between 20 and 50 years. In men most common urological diseases.

Prostatitis inflammation of the reason are divided into two groups. The first group includes infectious prostatitis, which could cause various bacteria, virus or fungal diseases.

Chronic prostatitis

Stagnant supposedly brings the second group (enter parameters in failure) that causes prostatitis stagnant fluid (secret), prostate, and blood vessels is an organ. Development these symptoms are observed, for example, irregular sexual life. Venous congestion may occur long-term stationary sitting position work (e.g., drivers, vehicles, employees of the mental labor), when worn tight underwear, as well as alcohol.

Prostatitis development factors

Additionally, their development has proven conducive to the factors: the decline of the body's immune, hormonal disorders, unhealed infections germs penetrate the prostate gland contribute to the development and inflammation.

The result is higher risk of prostatitis decrease the immune sick people, background, border, overload, chronic stress, smoking, and alcohol. All of these factors you can easily search for hotels in any city penetration, infection, prostate, sluggish blood flow or cause degradation to the growth and development of microorganisms suitable for the operation pelvic inflammatory process.

Doin ' what?

In developing prostatitis most often chronic form, for several years, no reason for special concern. This may occur severe pain, unpleasant sensations in the perineum, the sacrum, the genitals or rectum. Regularly observed rapid, painful and sometimes difficult urination, urethral discharge small.

Unfortunately, most men at this stage the emphasis has similar symptoms, but in vain. Hazard, such as chronic prostatitis, cystitis and pyelonephritis, of urinary system that may lead to the development of its spread.

In addition, complications for prostatitis vesiculitis — inflammation of the seminal vesicles, and orchiepididymitis — inflammation of the testicles and their extensions, and this, in the end, can cause male infertility. In addition, inflammatory processes in the prostate gland bph or prostate cancer may be the cause for the development to appear then.

After a while, which causes prostatitis erection problems. The reason for this involvement in the inflammatory process of the prostate gland and erectile function responsible for the nervous pass.

Diagnosis and treatment

So, if you have one or more symptoms, don't hesitate, do not run for a long time disease — urologist or andrologist to go. To pass the first examination the doctor will offer a genital infection and pelvic ultrasonography and tests for prostate cancer includes a digital rectal examination of the prostate. No need to fear: an experienced doctor won't hurt you. This study is extremely informative. In this way, a clear diagnosis, extent and severity of disease. The iron of emotion (through the anus), the doctor figures what just happened to him, but his trial is secret. The lab will be held in October before starting treatment bacteriological microflora sensitivity to antibacterial drugs of various secretory prostate your definition. Without this, no treatment will be effective, and that may result to get rid of a disease and his transition to the new, heavier form.

Padded drug treatment prostatitis massage, prostate, reducing congestion, provides protection for a long time, blood flow and glands. Unfortunately, modern medicine still can not solve the problem definitive treatment prostatitis. Bring it to the doctor until disease remission (lack of symptoms) two-three years. Then you will have to repeat the treatment.


Always warn the treatment of the disease significantly easier. For this reason, the simple prevention measures to observe work talented so that all the "charms" slowly. Give up fashion, enforcement, constantly walk, the skin firm and tight swimsuit. Blank cotton panties more hygienic and not to interfere much with normal blood in the prostate.

In addition, avoid hypothermia, move more, and couldn't have regular sexual intercourse, masturbation exercise — according to the doctors, this and refinement, and self-massage, and Prevention of prostatitis.